Eyob Denio Gifato, Principal
The seminary exists to equip church leaders, pastors, evangelists and missionaries by providing short and long term training in order to promote ministries based on the Word of God, the Bible. WES seeks to achieve this through its innovative and relevant programs that are solid evangelical, biblical, and theological. WES offers two programs: Diploma of Ministry for two years and Bachelor degree of Ministry for four years.
We invite you to come and join us to have sound theological education and experiences as we help you to fulfill the call of God in your life.
The leading Bible Passage for our purpose is Colossians 1:28:
“We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.”

For His kingdom Expansion.

Background of the Seminary

In the beginning, in 1996, the Wolaita KHC head quarter established diploma of Theology program in agreement with Ethiopian KHC central office. They named it Ethiopian KHC Training Center (EKMTC).  This was the first English program for three years diploma in theology. At the time, two women and 19 male were registered and all 21 students were graduated in 1998.

Mean while the Wolaitta Kale Heywet Church started evening class, they call it “Soddo Evangelical College (SEC) in 1997 to meet the growing need for part-time biblical instruction for local church leaders and Bible School teachers. It was started with 56 evening class students and 29 of them were graduated with Diploma of Biblical and Theological studies.
In order to strengthen the college and to share staff and facilities, EKMTC – Sodo and SEC were merged in the year 2001. This merged collage was named “Ethiopian Kale Heywet Evangelical College – Soddo” (EKEC – Sodo).

Then in 2007,   Wolaita Kale Heywet church (WKHC) general assembly decided to start four years degree Program in English and named “WOLAITA EVANGELICAL SEMINARY (WES)”. After that, Ethiopian Kale Heywet church central office agreed and shifted all workers and properties of EKEC – Sodo to Wolaita Evangelical Seminary. The focal cause to open this degree program was the rapid growth of churches and more educated people are coming up to the church. In this regard the Seminary was established in order to produce the future potential church and community leaders from the local settings of Wolaita and its surroundings.


  1. To offer sound Bible-based knowledge with other integrated disciplines for the development of godly ministers.
  2. To develop godly and ministry-oriented character in the lives of students.
  3. To build skills of ministers in the church and social workers in providing short and long term trainings.  
  4. To offer in-service and semester-based training programs to ministers who are called to serve God in their community and outside.
  5. To help students to behave and demonstrate love and respect to all believers regardless of the origin of family or race.

Vision and Mission



The vision of the Seminary is to see well equipped godly ministers for the transformation of the Church and community in Ethiopia and beyond.


The overall goal of the Seminary is to produce well equipped servant ministers who can bring transformation in church and community in accordance to the call of God for His kingdom.


The overall goal of the Seminary is to produce well equipped servant ministers who can bring transformation in church and community in accordance to the call of God for His kingdom.

WES is currently running two programs of studies:

They are Diploma of Ministry and Bachelor Degree of Ministry.

Diploma of Ministry (DM)

Diploma of Ministry is two years program. Number of courses to be done is 24 and totally 70 credit hours have to be completed for graduation.

Our Philosophy of Education

WES is a Christian seminary which puts the Bible at the center of its curriculum. Its method of study and teaching employs the historic Protestant Evangelical hermeneutics in the interpretation of the scriptures. WES faculty is aware of the fact that the Seminary’s educational mission is community endeavor among the faculty and the staff. Churches of our students and family also participate in their preparation for ministry. As a Seminary, we bear special responsibility and accountability to guide each and every educational process in all areas of our ministry. As a Christian community, we affirm the value of scriptures holistically and apply it in the realities of our life and our communities.


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  • Wolaita Evangelical Seminary
  • Telephone:  0911389692, 0461800001
  • Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia
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